

Interactive path with augmented reality: The story of J. Čerkesas-Besparnis comes to life in Skaistakalnis Park

As part of the international project "Restored History" in Panevėžys, at Skaistakalnis Park, visitors will be able to explore a new interactive tourist route with 12 stations by the end of the summer. This route, enhanced with augmented reality elements, will reveal the life and activities of Juozas Čerkesas-Besparnis and introduce visitors to the cultural heritage of Panevėžys.

An important initiative for the city of Panevėžys

The story of the renowned Lithuanian patriot, Juozas Čerkesas-Besparnis, remains relevant today. His life embodies a love for his homeland, the Lithuanian language, and culture.

"Juozas Čerkesas-Besparnis fought from a young age to preserve Lithuanian identity. He wrote for the Lithuanian press, created poetry, acted in plays, and promoted the spread of Lithuanian culture. Today, when globalization promotes cosmopolitan ideas, his story is a great source of inspiration for young people to remember their nation's roots," says Daiva Mulevičienė, a local guide and historian from Panevėžys.

An interactive route – a unique experience for the city

The new route will cover two important cultural heritage sites: Juozas Čerkesas's homestead, which currently houses the Panevėžys Creative Center "Pragiedruliai," and Skaistakalnis Park.

The 12 stations of the route will be enhanced with augmented reality solutions, allowing visitors to interactively explore historical figures, events, and the city's history.

"By learning about Juozas Čerkesas-Besparnis, visitors will not only discover his personality but also life in Panevėžys at that time, and meet the people he interacted with. These are stories that reveal a broader picture of the city and the region," notes D. Mulevičienė, adding that the project aims not only to introduce past histories but also to engage the residents of Panevėžys and visitors more deeply in cultural life.

The process and challenges of the project

The international team creating the project in Lithuania and Latvia aims to make it both educational and appealing to visitors of all ages. The writing process involved more than just gathering information—it included constant discussions about the highlights of the route and the placement of the stations.

"First, I collected historical and journalistic material from all available sources, analyzed it, and verified it with specialists in the field. The Panevėžys Local History Museum, libraries, gymnasium museums, and the local historian Dr. Liudvika Knizikevičienė were especially helpful. It was important to create texts that were lively and engaging while maintaining historical accuracy," says guide and historian Daiva Mulevičienė about the development process of the tourist route.

The significance of the project for the city and region

The interactive tourist route is one of the main outcomes of the "Restored History" project in Panevėžys. It will not only increase the city's attractiveness to tourists but also encourage a deeper understanding of its history and culture. Through collaboration with Latvian partners, the residents of Panevėžys and visitors will be able to see how modern technology can breathe life into heritage and create engaging stories.

The project is co-financed by the European Union and the Panevėžys City Municipality.